A review by pja_gsh
An Atlas of Impossible Longing by Anuradha Roy


Why don't more of us know about this book?
I will be honest- I am a Bengali. Yet, with a fellow Bengali I always feel out of sync- as though I love a version of Bengal that is so detached from the things people romanticize-eg the sweets, going to New Market etc. This book, though, absolutely tugged at everything that I love about Bengal and fear losing. It touches on the fears, vulnerability, megalomania and brokenness that makes Bengalis the way they are... at least in my head. The core that nobody talks about, the essence which is lost. I nearly cried and was absolutely swept away at how she addresses the pain in people's lives, the forms it takes. It is deeply emotional, a perfect monsoon read and i know every time I open this book, I will let it swallow me whole.