A review by ashleyh
Campus Chills by Kimberly Foottit, Sèphera Girón, Douglas Smith, Nancy Kilpatrick, Kelley Armstrong, Brit Trogen, Julie E. Czerneda, James Alan Gardner, Carol Weekes, Edo Van Belkom, Michael Kelly, Mark Leslie, Steve Vernon, Susie Moloney, Robert J. Sawyer


I really enjoyed Campus Chills. There's a good variety of stories throughout, from the utterly gruesome to the ones that make you wonder "what if." From your typical ghost story to the monstrosities that may be possible through science. My favourite stories in the collection were "The Forever Brotherhood" by Julie E. Czerneda, "Sara" by Nancy Kilpatrick, "Sown" by Susan Moloney and "Old Spice Love Knot" by Steve Vernon.

"Prospero's Ghost" by Kimberly Foottit and Mark Leslie was also really interesting with its use of metafiction. It's a story that involves books printed on an Espresso Book Machine at McMaster University and the Campus Chills collection was created for the Espresso Book Machine and launched at McMaster University, as well as three other bookstores in Canada with EBMs.

Overall, I'd recommend Campus Chills to anyone interested in Canadian works or horror stories. And don't be frightened by its Print on Demand status, it's actually of rather good quality.