A review by ljrinaldi
Ghosts, Volume 3 by David A. Robertson


OK, OK, representation matters. I've mentioned this before. And, it makes a difference if the stories are good as well. It makes a difference to, if the people in the story are flawed, aren't all perfect, and are just like you and me, because that is part of representation as well.

Well, except Cole is a bit more than you and me.

For one thing, he was dead at the end of the second book in the series, and comes back to life in this final book in the series.

The best part of this story, which is about why there is a sickness spearding on the reserve Broken Sky, is the lightness that the story takes, despite all the death going on around the characters.

Helps that there is spirit being that appears through out the books, Choch, a sort of trickster demi-god, who is very meta, always making comments about the process of the story, and how there can be no swearing.

And Cole and his friends are also super aware. When it is discovered that Cole has super speed power, they talk about naming him as a super hero:
"I do need one thing. I mean, as a non-sterotypical Indigenous sueprhero.."
"Not named Black Bison or Chief Running Cloud or Shaman or..."
"And what would that be?" Brady put down the comic he'd been looking through, ElfQuest on top of The Fury of Firestorm

Highly recommend the whole series.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.