A review by tynga
Ruthless by Gena Showalter


I was very excited for this book, I loved the first instalment, but I gave up at 50% of the book. I loved the idea that the second novel featured one of the from the first book. I actually quite liked Micah; he was building up to be a great character. He faced off many challenges growing up as an orphan, he is also a Chimera (has 2 glimeras), and people feared him and are repulsed by him. Despite that, he became King of his own domain by being strong and fair. Viori was the issue for me. Honestly, I can't stand her. She is acting like a petulant child that entire time. She refuses to give any information to Micah about herself and throws a fit when he takes a step in the wrong direction simply because he doesn't have the necessary information to make a decision. After her latest fit at around 50% of the book I've had enough and gave up. Most likely they will get back together by the end of the book, it is a romance novel after all... but Vi was annoying me too much to keep on reading unfortunately.