A review by madelinefmcguire
The Weight of Feathers, by Anna-Marie McLemore


The Palomas and the Corbeaus have always had a feud. Both families believe that touching the a member from the other will curse them or harm them. Both families are performers who go around to different cities, they try to avoid running in to each-other but in one town they always do. When Lace Polomas gets stuck in an acid rain storm and a Corbeaus boy (Cluck) saves her, she is marked and banned from her family. She goes to the find Cluck to get him to take his mark back so she can return home, but its more complicated than that. Mostly because he doesn't know she's a Palomas. There's more to the family feud than either of them know but one things for sure. Their meeting will change the family forever.

I don't think I'm the right type of reader for this book. I think that if I read slower and let the events of the book sit, it would make more sense to me. But I'm not a slow reader I read books mostly in a few hours, so for the first half of the book I was confused. I think its wonderfully written and once you get into it it's interesting. I'm just confused, and unsure how to feel at this point. Maybe in a few days I'll understand it more. But for now I'm just kind of confused.