A review by bookphile
The Radical Element: 12 Stories of Daredevils, Debutants, and Other Dauntless Girls by Jessica Spotswood



I received a free copy of the book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Content Warning: there is a story that deals with pretty explicit abuse by a parent. All the stories deal with either blatant sexism or misogyny, racism, and religious persecution.

A mixed bag of short stories. Some of them were simply amazing and I wished there was more! Others I could barely get through and ended up skimming. There is a mix of genres, some are more fantasy, magical realism, however, most were historical. All of the stories touched upon important topics having to do with either sexism, racism, patriotism, religion, relationships, and abuse and how those topics influence women's rights. The stories were all about girls rising above social norms, pushing boundaries, and demanding more from the world that told them they weren't worthy. All they are about the girls carving a path for themselves. A few of these did make me wish they were longer and were full-length novels.

Overall, a good anthology, with great #ownvoices stories.