A review by wheninapril
Please Send Help by Allison Raskin, Gabe Dunn


A Goldman never pays her debts but she does ruin her enemies with slander!

Please Send Help is the sequel of I Hate Everyone But You, which I did not know when I requested it on netgalley. (I thought it is a thriller! *face-palm*)I am yet to read the first book. But it did not hamper the reading experience, it could be read as stand alone as well. 

The book was hilarious. A very easy read about two best friends who despite of living far way from one another tried to be there for one another. It deals with several issues like depression, mental health, Bisexuality, Work place relationships etc. It was a fun read and very fast pacing but it could not make me love it. 

I did not like any of the friends. Next part of this review contains slight spoiler, so proceed at your own risk!! Or you can just skip the spoiler part!!

Gen manipulated Baeu in the worst way possible. And her excuse was laughable! Also I agree Ben was manipulative and I hate him for that, but Ava was the first who made a move! Why girl?!! He is your boss!! Learn some workplace ethics -_- Also I wanted to see Dana still there when Gen moved in.. Why after she moved in all I get to know is DANA SHIFTED?!! WTF!! He was there for Ava on her worst time!!! Is it too much to ask for a proper goodbye?!!! :(

For above reasons my rating for this book came down to 3.5 stars insteed of 4 stars!

*Thank you St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books and Netgalley for the review copy.*