A review by berls
One Dark and Stormy Knight by Serenity Woods, Hermione Moon


I am very glad I picked up this series! The combination of history, mystery, and magic is the perfect blend - it pleases this formerly-medieval historian's heart to spend a little time with Arthurian legend combined with a modern setting.

Gwen is a fantastic character - I love the way she honestly dislikes people and wants to do small petty things, but then feels guilty because she was raised to be a good person and does the right thing despite that desire. It makes her such a real person for me, but also a good one. We all have those moments where we just want to be small and petty, right? Her goodness extends beyond not doing harm - she genuinely wants to help and do good for others. And she takes risks to do so. So yeah, I like her a lot.

I also enjoyed her good friend, Imogen, who also happens to be the police inspector. She's smart, strong, loyal, and takes her duty very seriously. I look forward to seeing her grow over the series. And then there's Arthur - we don't know him too well yet, but I like what I've seen. I'm excited to see how he manages in 21st century England and how he wins Gwen's heart.

The mystery was satisfying and I liked the role of magic in Gwen's solving of things, alongside good sleuth work. There's several interesting characters to explore in the series, both magcial and antagonistic, not to mention Merlin her supernatural dog companion.

I have to say, I had read a note that this series uses British English and, when combined with the narration, that was all the more pointed. It was VERY BRITISH - that might be a problem for some readers. For me, it was a treat and I absolutely loved the feeling that I was literally in England. So yeah I adored the narration and will definitely continue listening to the series.