A review by blodeuedd
Project Duchess by Sabrina Jeffries


Dukes! yes there is nothing like a Duke in a book, and omg, this book has 3! All with the same mother. WHaat? No way! Yes way.

First, I need her story. Her first marriage, her second, her third happy one and I sort of want her to marry a 4th Duke one day.

Right, but this is about her firstborn, Greycourt. A rocky relationship since he was sent back to England when he was 10 (not her fault.) He has some hidden anger issues, he is known asa rake, aren't they all! But he is a really sweet guy.

Beatrice had a bad time too after her parents died and she had to live with her asshat uncle.

And how did her uncle die? And how did his brother die just months after?
Gotta find out.

They flirt, they should be together, oh uh, did someone murder anyone? And they lived happily ever after