A review by flowersofquiethappiness
The Girl from the Train by Irma Joubert


Wow. There is so many things that I could say about this story, but the first thing that comes to mind is just wow. What a powerful story this is! From the adrenalin rush of jumping off a moving train on page one, to the sweetest ending ever, Gretl's story is one of heartache, pain, joy, happiness, comfort, and finding home. It is easily understandable why this book is an international bestseller!

Gretl completely stole my heart from the first few pages and I loved getting to journey with her as she grew up. I especially enjoyed how much she loved stories and used them to get through her hard places! I can so relate to that. And Jakob. Oh how that boy-man grew into my heart. With a seven year old pretty much thrust upon him, he nevertheless cares for her and strives to get her where she needs to go no matter the cost. Both characters experienced so much hard in their lives, yet they form a little family of their own for the bit they are able and it's wonderful.

I haven't read much WWII fiction, I confess, but I'm so glad I had the privilege of reading this one! Ms. Joubert does a remarkable job with drawing the reader into the characters plight and helping you feel the horror and fear they had to live with every single day. And getting a glimpse of life for the Polish people as well as South Africans was so very interesting. I know nothing of South Africa's history and this was fascinating for me.

There is just something about this story. There truly is. I'm not even sure I can precisely pinpoint what it is, but please believe me when I say that it's well worth your time!

**I received a complimentary copy from Thomas Nelson Publishing in exchange for my honest review.