A review by flogigyahoo
City of the Sun by David Levien


This is the 2nd time I have read this action packed mystery. I liked it the first time I read it and liked it now too. For readers who complained the writing is clumsy, not so. I thought it was quite well written for this type of genre. This is a fast paced "police procedural" type mystery and not a psychological thriller so no going into the fear and terror of the family concerned when their teenaged boy goes missing. Nor are we very concerned with the workings of the mind of Levien's protagonist who lost his own son and his marriage. This is Frank Behr, who comes across as a big, heavy man (bear?) well versed in dealing with the dregs of society, getting them to talk and spill what they know out of fear of Behr. Now to read the 2nd novel in the series.