A review by angie_stl
Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs


Worth the wait!!

I found Ms Briggs work after most people and have only had to wait for the last two books to be published I think, but I'd have waited a lot longer for Dead Heat if I'd had to. Because it has been a while since I read the last one, I can only give a comparison of what I remember of that one compared to this one. It seemed that the there was a bit more descriptive work in this book than in the previous one, but it worked with this book. And I believe this book took Charles and Anna's relationship further than all the other books combined. She learned the reasons behind some of the characteristics of Charles that were just there before, like why he only truly cares for a handful of people. She also gets to meet and interact with the first person she's ever heard Charles refer to as "my friend". Though the fae play a large part in this plot, there's not a lot of interaction with them, since most of them have retreated to the reservations. The children in this book play a big part in many ways, that I can't explain without giving away some spoilers, but you should definitely keep an eye on them.

This is not a stand alone book, by any means. If you grabbed this without reading the other Alpha and Omega books, you would probably be pretty lost. That being said, I would recommend this, and all of the A&O books, to any fan of shapeshifters or werewolves!! If you haven't read the first three and the short stories that go with them, stop what you're doing and read them, preferably in order with the Mercy Thompson series, RIGHT NOW!! It will be worth your time!