A review by bookfessional
The First Fall, by Seanan McGuire


Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

0.07 - The First Fall

2.5 stars

This one was too sad for me to like it all that much.

Sad and CREEPY, thanks to Fran determination to find and visit the carnival:

There is something eternal about the carnival, Jonathan reflected . . . When the last embers of the sun died, there would be a carnival still glowing bright in the ashes of the world, filled with people trying to get one more ride in before they went to their rewards.
The thought was comforting and terrifying all at once, because if the carnival was eternal, that made it a kind of parasite, a living thing with human bodies for cells. It was almost cryptid in its own right, a form of life so vast and slow that the mind could barely comprehend it, and so reduced it to a fun-fair dazzle of light and sound and harmless motion.
But all living things must eat, and if the carnival was a predator, on what flesh did it feed?

But just b/c I didn't like it doesn't mean you won't. Avoiding real life, heartbreaking things when reading is my prerogative. And anyway, as upsetting as the information is. It's kind of important. Just know going into it what you're in for. *wails*

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