A review by paracosm
BEASTARS 3 by Paru Itagaki


This volume feels like it's only set up for what's to come next, but I still have a lot to say.

The relationship between Haru and Legoshi is so, so awkard and I don't Like that. I know that it gets a little better because I've seen the anime, but still. I'll rather deal with gratuitous violence than second hand shame.

A new character is introduced named Juno and I don't like her because she is annoying. Juno has a crush on Legoshi and everyone is weirdly invested in the two getting together, which I find odd. When I was in highschool I couldn't have given any less f*cks about who was dating who, maybe other people did, I don't know.

The author's self-insert appears as a chicken obsessed with laying good eggs. There's nothing wrong with that but it made me realize something stange about this manga. Because all of the characters are anthropomorphic animals this chicken is like 1.50m tall or something, but the eggs she lays are regular size, about 3 inches. So when the chicks are born they are super tiny compared with the parents. I find that really odd because usually with anthropomorphic birds authors make eggs bigger so when the hatch they are baby-sized.

In this world the animals are divided into herbivores and carnivores, the second group has the incrontrolable urge to kill and eat the first group, so they must control their instincts. If that's the case then those sort of crimes must be very common. But in this volume when a gazelle dies everyone makes such a big deal that they put the herbivores on a curfew, even when the murder didn't even happen in their city. How is that a regular procedure?

The last thing I want to mention is that Gohim is introduced and he's my second favorite character. He's a panda that works as a psychologist for carnivores that have killed others. I don't think he has a medical licence but I love him anyway.