A review by blodeuedd
In the Company of the Courtesan by Sarah Dunant


It was good, but for me bordering on ok at times. The times were interesting, the people, not so much.

It was told through the eyes of the dwarf Buchino, a most loyal servant and pimp to the courtesan Fiammetta. And I think this killed some of the goodness. See I did not really see the life of a courtesan. I saw the life of a servant. Who only saw her getting ready for things. He went out shopping and worried about money. I never knew Fiammetta, I did not like or dislike her. But it would have been more interesting to be in her mind. She was the interesting ones, now, we got nothing.

The sacking of Rome, yikes, damn protestants. Why are religions so evil!? Men only rape and kill. So yes they lived through that and escaped and set up business in Venice.

Then there was this guy called the Turk who was build up and then never became anything. Sigh, so many things that could have been better.

So...good, barely. I am in a good mood today so good it is.