A review by jasmineflower1
One Wish Away by Ingrid Seymour


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*Disclaimer: This is an honest and unbiased review.

Marielle is a fairly relatable character, although she hasn't had the easiest of lives. I enjoyed how she tried to keep going, even though she had such a series of bad luck after her grandfather passes. She felt real; her struggle to do the right thing, and make the right choices, all while she's still reeling from her father showing back up, and finding out about the debt her grandfather had left her with. I think every one is tempted to use the wishes for selfish reasons, and while she knows she shouldn't trust Faris, she's lost without anyone to turn to.

Faris is almost too delicious. Understanding and protective, but struggling with his own curse and the fact that due to it he can't tell the whole truth. He doesn't have too much character growth, not that it takes away from the story or enjoyable nature of the book. It moves quickly, and he's secondary to Marielle's struggles. I look forward to seeing how he progresses in the rest of the series, once you can learn more about his back story and how his future unfolds.

There are some hints at rape/sexual assault, nothing graphic. While her exact age isn't ever mentioned, I'm assuming that she's around the 18-19 age group. (Which I forget isn't legal age in the US). There's also mild violence, but again, nothing overly graphic.

It's a decent size, and the book has a nice flow to it which makes it easy to read in a sitting. Definitely a good book, and looking forward to reading the rest of the series!