A review by yapha
That Thing about Bollywood by Supriya Kelkar


Sonali loves Bollywood movies. In fact, Sunday night is her favorite night of the week as she, her parents, and her younger brother watch a movie together. But that doesn't mean she actually wants to live in one! Unfortunately, that seems to be exactly what has happened. After receiving some upsetting news about her parents, Sonali's entire world has shifted into a Bollywood movie complete with bright colors, dancing, and songs about feelings. Which is the worst for Sonali since she hates talking about her feelings. All of a sudden she is telling her parents and her best friend how she really feels, all while singing and dancing. No one else around her remembers the world in any other way. Can Sonali figure out how to get things back to normal? Or will she be living in a Bollywood movie forever? Highly recommended for grades 4 & up. Some familiarity with Bollywood movies would help appreciate the book more.

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