A review by evitaveda
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer


“We’re all monsters in the end. At least mine lives in the light.”

This book is basically a bunch of cliches stacked on top of each other, wearing a fantasy trench-coat and trying to be funny. The eye rolls started small, but by the end of this book I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled so hard they were about to exit my skull. Although I initially quite liked the humorous writing style, it didn’t take long for it to become annoying. Especially when the characters were having moments of laughing hysterically at how funny they were and I’m just sitting there going “what is wrong with you people?” 

Plot wise this book could have been great. There was a bit of a mystery to solve but I felt everything got lost in the MC, Evie’s, internal monologues. These were clearly meant to be funny and entertaining. Evie was just so whimsical and quirky and absolutely irresistible, especially to the broody “villain.” And yes, I do use the villain term extremely loosely in this case. A better title for this book would be “Assistant to the lovesick puppy.” All in all, I found the the characters to be underwhelming. Evie is, in fact, a grown-ass woman who has a full-on temper tantrum when her boss confronts her about something. Just no. 

The fact that this book is going to be a trilogy is baffling to me. There is no power on earth that could compel me to pick up another TWO books of this bullshit. I’ve already sold my copy and I’m moving on with my life. 

Finally, I’m fully aware this might be a me problem. I have a hard time with fantasy romance but I do try my best! What didn’t work for me, might be exactly what works for someone else.