A review by evanor
Teleny, or the Reverse of the Medal by Oscar Wilde

Did not finish book. Stopped at 90%.
Dragged myself through it and I just couln´t keep on reading for the life of me. I might finish it one day, though. Only good when he talks about Teleny and half of the book is him trying not to admit that he´s in love whith him or whatever and youre just waiting for them to have sex even though youre 3/4 into the damned thing and they´ve only just made eye contact.
Also, I'd like to know what the main character is on because each time he opens his mouth to give his opinion it's atrocious.
In all honesty I started this book in part for the shits and giggles and also because I was curious about how 19th century people saw sexuality and sex but now I just have a lot of questions and no answers.
Good writing, though