A review by rbixby
Your House Is on Fire, Your Children All Gone by Stefan Kiesbye


This...is interesting. Well worth a read. Just know that the characters are all absolutely bat shit crazy fucked up. Not in an over-the-top, howling at the moon, Napoleonic kind of way, but in a Dave Foley needing to get his axe sharpened kind of way. His suit is covered in blood and it's dripping from his axe, but the dude sharpening his axe doesn't notice. The characters are at once the axe sharpener oblivious to the horror standing in front of him and Dave Foley nonchalantly discussing the difficulty of holding down a screaming woman so he can cut off her head. This dichotomy is what makes this book so disturbing. That's the way it is in Hemmersmoor.

Update: I vacillated between three and four stars as I wrote this. I liked it but didn't love it but the stories linger on my mind. Because of that, I give it 4.