A review by beccasbooks234
A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult

challenging emotional


A gunman, George Goddard, takes hostages at the Center. Every hour we find out more about the gunman and each of the hostages, which include an abortion doctor, a nurse, an elderly woman, a teenager and her aunt, and two women with opposing views. As time moves in reverse, we catch glimpses of each of their lives and what brought them to the moment they were staring down the barrel of a gun.
This book is so hard to review because the topics are so difficult to talk about. Abortion, racism, even gun control, are still things that, to this day, are argued about.
I liked that the story was told in reverse. That’s something you don’t ordinarily see in a book so it makes it unique and interesting. I couldn’t put it down, wanting to know more about the characters and what drove them all to this particular moment in time. 
Even though the topics were difficult to read about, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. The twists and turns we find out made me audibly gasp at times, especially towards the end of the book. 
I would recommend this book to anyone but I would have to give some trigger warnings about some of the tough topics talked about.