A review by booking_along
50 More Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food: Mindfulness Strategies to Cope with Stress and End Emotional Eating by Susan Albers


This is a great book at pointing out where the problem with soothing yourself with food lies and how you can avoid it yourself.
The tips are easy and mostly just something that you have to train yourself to do, instead of having to spend money on. Because lets me honest, if you are someone that needs food to feel better and want to change that, you don't want to spend a lot of money, but just start doing it! This book offers just that!

I personal am just someone that needs food to soothe myself after a actual tragedy -such as a family death for example as i have sadly learned- this book gave me lots of great tips on how to avoid another trip of needing food to feel better.

I also love that this book doesn't just focus on people that need soothing because of tragic events, but also because of things that you "do" to yourself, as putting yourself on a diet. Because that is most likely when people will fall back into needing the food that they really shouldn't eat.

What i also really enjoyed about this book is that it is not trying to say that food is bad, or that you are horrible for needing comfort food. it is not putting you down if you are someone that has this problem, but rather is written in a tone that feels very much as if the author herself experienced this problem and just shares her knowledge of fighting against it. Which i think is very important in self-help books, that you don't feel that the author is putting your problem down, or doesn't take it seriously or makes it out to be something small and insignificant. This does not happen here!

All in all this book has fantastic tips on how to stop yourself from feeling like you need food when you really are not hungry and how to stop yourself from eating if you don't need to.

If you are someone - or know someone!- that has the need to eat food to comfort yourself, get this book! I am sure that you will find at least one way in it that will help you!