A review by bee_thebibliophile
The Fight In Us by Becca Steele


Now that Caiden and Winter are all loved up, it’s only fair that it’s the next Cavendish son’s turn to fall in love. And what a love story it is for Weston and Lena!

I really liked that this story was a continuation of all the events of books 1-3. Becca Steele wrapped up so many storylines, but there were still a few unresolved and I was glad to see them picked right back up in this story. There were also a few storylines that I knew were going to break Weston’s heart, but I was really pleased with how quickly things progressed and were brought to light instead of them festering between the characters throughout the whole story.

Weston was my favorite character in the first three books and he does not disappoint here. He’s unbelievably sweet and wickedly sexy, all while being one of the nicest guys I’ve ever read. Lena was a badass in [b:Trick Me Twice|54546186|Trick Me Twice|Becca Steele|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1602160508l/54546186._SY75_.jpg|85108793] and her cameos in the first three books, so I was really excited to read more about her. She’s complex, independent and fierce...and the perfect girl to break Weston of his playboy ways. Seeing their relationship turn from friendship to love and traverse all of the hurdles and obstacles along the way together, supporting each other at every turn, was exactly what I hoped to see from the two of them!

The real star of this story was Cassius and Weston’s bromance. Even though Lena is Cassius’s little sister, it wasn’t a huge point of contention for their friendship and that was SO refreshing. These two guys genuinely love each other and it showed in every interaction. Their conversations were so real and honest that it made me love them both even more!

Ultimately, I felt like this book focused a little too much on the dog fighting and the investigation of Martin and not enough on the development of Weston and Lena’s relationship. I would have loved to see more of them connecting on a deeper level than friendship (where they had been for years), not just gotten mentions of it happening between plot points. We got so much of that from Caiden and Winter, so I felt like I missed out a little bit on establishing their connection.

And, of course I loved the interactions with the rest of the Four - Lena had been an outside part of their group before, but seeing them bring her completely into the fold was perfect. This book has me so excited for Cassius and Zayde’s stories...can’t wait for books 5 and 6!