A review by richard_lawrence
The Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far: Why Are We Here?, by Lawrence M. Krauss


I was aware of the buzz surrounding the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern and how excited most physicists got when discussing the results obtained from experiments but never really understood how complex an undertaking the LHC and it's importance to our understanding of physics. Not being a physicist and lacking the advanced math skills most books on the subject were a little too advanced and I found myself simply skimming over the math and not fully appreciating the implications of what the author was trying to present. Not so with this book. Krauss is exceptional in his skill of explaining the most complex topics to an audience with a limited understanding of the physics and it's history. You'll come away with a good understanding of where particle physics is today, what the current experiments are trying to determine and what we currently understand about how the universe is put together. As an added bonus he deals with the current nonsense surrounding quantum physics and shows that the purveyors of woo are short changing their followers and depriving them of the wonders that contemporary physics is bringing to light about the universe and our place in it.