A review by shanny1366
The Blue Ribbon Day by Katie Couric


I can't exactly put my finger on why, but I found this book to be slightly annoying. First, the author's note to the reader at the beginning put me off; the vocabulary Couric decided to use in this note was not at all appropriate for the intended audience of the book. I didn't care for the story, either. The plot was ok, but something about the rhyme structure bothered me. I don't know if it was overly sing-songy, or if the rhymes felt forced, but something was just off to me. I also felt like the moral of the story was overly obvious. Between the note at the beginning and the lines in the story, the author really hits readers over the head with her point. Kids can pick up on subtlety and will be able to understand the point of a story without it being this didactic.