A review by kaje_harper
The Otto Digmore Decision by Brent Hartinger


This second of Otto's books finds him still a struggling actor, looking hard for parts. His burn scars mean he tends to get called for only certain roles, and he's not having a lot of luck. But his best friend Russel Middlebrook has written a Middle-Ages caper movie that is actually going into production, and in it Russel has written a character specifically with Otto in mind. For once, he's the top contender for a part, and one with emotional resonance for him.

But the director on the project turns out to have gotten his job in traditional Hollywood "who you know, not how good you are" fashion. He seems intent on turning the movie into one more stale, snarky carbon copy of past mediocre efforts. For both guys, it's heartbreaking to think this big chance will be turned into dreck in the hands of someone who isn't even malicious, just incompetent, but who holds all the power.

They aren't the only ones in the cast and crew noticing, or hoping for a better outcome. And so Operation Get Around the Director is agreed upon. But there's no guarantee it will have any effect on the final film, and it just might end both their careers.

This was fun, touching at times, frustrating in a familiar way to anyone who has worked under an incompetent boss, and in the end satisfying. This is a buddy book, not a romance - neither man's significant other is really on the pages, and it's Otto's friendship with Russel that is highlighted here. I enjoyed seeing both these guys again, particularly Otto, loved some of the little twists, and look forward to seeing more of Russel in an upcoming series.