A review by nbvanderhyden
The Prince of Midnight by Laura Kinsale


Y’all, “The Prince of Midnight,” let me tell you-

Well, here it is, my favorite LK. It is romantic and hilarious with a dour, strong Heroine, recluse Hero, and an epic plot that moves quickly. It fits into a trope I made up called “Trying to Get Back to Normal Life After Sharing an Epic Incident.” It’s a little wordy.

So, once upon a time, there was an infamous highway man, also our Hero, named S.T. Maitland. He has become MIA and Leigh, our Heroine, desperately needs S.T’s help. Her hometown has been taken over by a wacko religious zealot that is turning the community into a cult. She wants S.T. to help take her town back and revenge her families deaths. She finds S.T. reclusively hiding in the French Alps with a pet wolf in a total Heidi’s Grandfather Mood.

She tries to convince him to help her save the town, but once she realizes the reason S.T. has retired is because he suffers major vertigo and is deaf in one ear, she is basically like “Nevermind.” Lots of Plot happens, including the conclusion of overthrowing the zealot and that’s where my new trope comes into play. The end drags a little for me, but it’s still a wonderful adventure.

The Prince of Midnight is different to me than the other LK’s I’ve read because here, both the Hero and Heroine are a bit broken. While LK Heroine’s are strong in their way, Leigh hasn’t finished that journey yet. She has expereinced major traumas and is not finished working through them. There is lots of angst as these two try to find personal healing while helping the other heal as well. It can be very intense and touching and I really loved it.

This is definitely a on a re-read TBR for me and the LK I would most recommend during my #LauraKinsaleAppreciationWeek.

Alrighty, they have kissed, it felt like a spiritual awakening and I’ve told you about it!