A review by pollyroth
Starters by Lissa Price


3.5 Stars
Starters had an originality that is hard to find in dystopias these days. Renting young bodies out to the old? So cool!

My reasoning for three and a half stars? Blake. By far worst love interest I have ever read about. First off, Callie obviously feels nothing for him. She's leading him on to get what she wants. So when she talked about falling for this boy, I sat there rolling my eyes and groaning. He's probably the flattest character ever. Right up there with Bella from Twilight actually. He's nothing like a seventeen year old guy, he's boring, and instantly falls for Callie. All that "I feel a connection I can't explain crap".
Now, I'm not sure what to make of that plot twist at the end. Can I really still hate Blake's character? I justify it with he still could have had more depth.

I didn't quite understand Callie and Michael's relationship. There was no background on Michael and how they really became a team.

I loved Callie. She's strong, independent, careful, and free at the same time. She's that heroine you just want to succeed because she deserves it.

I read this book in one car drive. Mind you it was 8 hours long, but still. At no point did I really feel like putting the book down to go watch Pitch Perfect. I was too immersed in Starters pages.

All in all an interesting read and I will definitely be reading the sequel!