A review by willow_axolotl376
Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready


Things began to get a little clearer in this book for me but the one thing I need to say right now is Aura for goodness sake get laid! please! Poor soul has nearly done it a bunch of times with three different guys but still not!

Anyway...will Logan pass on or not? Can Aura keep him from turning shade? What does she do about her budding romance between her and Zackery? Its all a bit complicated for the poor lass, oh and the DMP is after her and Zac, these two just cant catch a break! OH and Aura's dead mother finally reveals the big secret about her father!!!

I enjoyed Shit more than I did Shade, I thought the pace was a little faster and more seemed to happed, although it isn't my favourite series I will still read Shine and hopefully it will tie up all loose ends for me. I would definitely think this series is aimed at younger teenagers(I am 21) maybe not but that's just my opinion.

All in all a good second book.