A review by nelljustice
At Blade's Edge by Lauren Dane


for full review go to www.onebooktwo.com

I enjoy this series. Sure it’s got some very hot spots, but mostly I enjoy watching Rowan grow. She is not that old (again with the 23 year old chick and 500 year old vampire), but she has the education to back her up. She was raised by the “First” vampire ever. He’s off his rocker, but for some reason Rowan is the one that he chose to call daughter after he killed her parents. It’s weird but it works. Some of my favorite scenes are with Theo and Rowan. He has a hair trigger and is on the precipice of madness, but no other vampires must know or the Vampire nation will collapse.

Rowan is hunting ‘The Blood Front’ – a faction that thinks that humans should be designated ‘cattle’ as they rightfully are and vampires should be the master race. She is also hunting the vampires that threatened her foster father’s, Theo, throne. All that and there are sorcerers, witches and conspiracies galore.

There are so many scenes in this book that I loved, but the trial had to be one of the best. The ones that needed a comeuppance, got it. I will warn you though, the end was a cliffhanger of sorts. It sent Rowan on the hunt again and this time it will be more than personal.