A review by zonkorose
How to Be Popular by Meg Cabot


This wasn't my favourite Meg Cabot book. It was in a diary format and I'm generally not as fond of diary style books, which is probably why I haven't touched the Princess Diaries yet. I just think that style often has characters that are more dislikeable. Still, it was a pretty good read.

Steph was annoying at times but not as selfish as I originally thought she would be. I liked that in the persuit of her popularity she didn't blank her old friends and tried to involve them as well. I also liked the fact that the way she went about being popular didn't involve being mean or malicious. I did take issue with the perving on her best friend/eventual love interest by watching him get changed, though.

Jason and Becca were interesting minor characters, as well as Darlene. The conclusion, when everyone tries to get into Steph's grandad's observatory for a party was good, and I remember feeling relieved that she came to her senses and kept them out. Jason hiding with a golf club to make sure that she made the right choice was also an amusing image. The resolution between Steph and Jason was rather obvious, but they were still pretty sweet together. The book turning out to just be a joke gift was also a nice touch.