A review by ezichinny
Love You Senseless by Susan Mac Nicol


I really enjoyed this one.

Famous chef Gideon Kent lost his sense of taste and smell following a fire accident where he lost a friend. That made his job as an owner of a restaurant difficult both physically and emotionally. Taste, smell and texture is an important part of creating a dish, and now Gideon couldn’t do that.

Adding insult to injury, one of his new chefs, Eddie Tripp, was quickly becoming the toast of the town as a creative force in their industry. Gideon couldn’t decide if he wanted fire Eddie or just kiss him senseless. Eddie had what Gideon wanted most both professionally and physically. What’s Gideon to do?

I enjoyed the yo-yo emotions Gideon had concerning Eddie. It was actually funny because sometimes he wanted to just smack Eddie for breaking something, the next second, Gideon was starting at Eddie’s butt and fighting to keep from mauling Eddie at work. Eddie, on the other hand, was incredibly patient. He put up with Gideon’s mood swings and mixed messages, and he stayed persistent. The author kept this story light and enjoyable, and did a great job of developing the characters. She told the story from both Gideon and Eddie’s POV, so we got a chance to be in each character’s head space.

My favorite part of this book was when Gideon took Eddie to find his cousin. That’s when I knew Gideon was ready to be Eddie’s partner. It was his time to give to Eddie and be his pillar of strength. I have to mention the restaurant crew who played match maker and wouldn’t let Gideon hide. They were funny and they were pushy, which was necessary for an old grump like Gideon. Also, Eddie’s roommates have a strange connection, so I do hope the author will develop Taylor and Leslie’s relationship and give us some more “insight” to Taylor. This book was the least angst filled book I’ve read by this author, but it was still as enjoyable.

*Thanks to the author for the reading copy.