A review by johnlynchbooks
Aliens: Phalanx by Scott Sigler


First off, I think it’s necessary to start this off thanking Scott Sigler. This book breathes some new life into a franchise that’s seemingly done everything imaginable.

Aliens: Phalanx is very much a blend of fantasy and horror, much more than a blend of scifi/horror. We’re thrust into a world of bronze armor and spears. A world that has been decimated by the threat of the xenomorph. The world of Ataegina is populated by pockets of civilization that struggle just to survive, finding it necessary to scavenge and barter for supplies. At the request of the author note in the beginning, I don’t want to say to much to avoid spoilers, but it’s worth noting that this setting works exceptionally well, it feels completely different than anything I’ve experienced from the franchise and even if the book were removed from the IP, it would still be a very entertaining read.

Phalanx is filled with compelling characters, including one of the best female protagonists the series has ever had.

When I finished Phalanx, despite the length of the novel, I didn’t want it to be over. Sigler had me spellbound from start to finish and unless you have a dislike for ancient civilizations or fantasy settings, I believe you’ll love it too.

4.5 out of 5 stars