A review by ashction
Willful Machines by Tim Floreen


Really, really enjoyed this one. It was exactly as good as I imagined it would be, and I'm so into this universe that, even though I largely feel this book ended well enough, I wouldn't be opposed to a sequel (or, really, a novella with Nico? Maybe? If possible?)

The universe is interesting and well thought out; maybe not quite enough exposition, since I was learning things in the middle of dramatic, climactic scenes, but I think it's a cool idea that was well executed! I'm also really happy that Lee is gay, but it's not treated as something that makes him stand out necessarily, but just *is.* I don't think I'm explaining it well, but even though there was a struggle with his sexuality and exposing it, it didn't feel like a Thing or hurdle we had go get over - it just was there, as a part of who he is.

I can't believe how quickly I tore through this - I've gotta get my hands on Floreen's other works as soon as my next library trip. If you're looking for a fun, futuristic sci-fi novel, then this is definitely a good world to visit!