A review by jmcfaddy
The Summer of Sunshine and Margot by Susan Mallery


Thank you to Net Galley for giving me a copy of this book. I loved it! The story of the two twin sisters was uplifting. The fact that they were so different in personalities, their lives had taken on such different paths and those chose such different types of men proves that even if you are a twin you are still distinctly different. Ms. Mallery has written a book which entertains and makes you laugh out loud. The antics these two sisters get into is quite amusing yet at the same time is very thought provoking. I applaud the way she took Sunshine through her "complete life change" with the struggles that come with it and she comes out the other side a stronger and more confident person. The same can be said about Margot to a degree. It was nice that Margot could kick her useless boyfriend to the curb and finally find someone that appreciated her. Very enjoyable book and a great summer read!!!!