A review by chrysfey
Magic Born or Magic Cursed? : Short Story Collection by Juneta Key


There were two separate stories for Remi and a note that her story will continue in Parts 2 and 3. I would have personally preferred a collection containing all of her stories together, instead of dividing them. And because there were two stories for her, separated by something that read like a prologue and a story with a character named Kaylan, I expected the collection to continue back and forth like that, so the order and set up did confuse me. The stories are all connected by Atlantis, Greek Gods, magic, and the location of Moon Hollow, though.

I did enjoy reading about Remi. There's a line she says that I really liked: Humans destroy what they don't understand.

I also loved the clever descriptions in Poseidon's Island (one of Remi's stories). "...sent her hair into a Medusa-dance " and "...kamikaze butterflies in her stomach." Juneta has a very clever way with words and descriptions that I enjoyed.

Instinct (The Emergence Recovery) had an interesting twist at the end I wasn't expecting.

Deep Dive - We're told a lot about the beginning of the dive before the story started that would've been better shown to us instead to make it more engaging and exciting.

Immortality - Beautifully written. Full of emotion. Powerful. By far this was my favorite story in the collection. 5 stars for this story alone.

Throughout, I did find typos and other errors. On the first page, it says, "The sea was hidden from view by a bank of palm trees and fauna... " I believe that should read "palm trees and flora."

I love anything that has to do with Atlantis and the gods. If you do, too, and like short, quick reads, try out this collection.

3.5 stars