A review by liferhi_inspired
Bite Me, I'm Yours by Stacy McKitrick


Bite Me, I'm Yours is the second book in the Bitten by Love series and can easily be read as a stand-alone.

I was a little disappointed by this book, the storyline/plot had so much more potential than what was written. John and Sarah has such a sweet normal relationship involving many dates that anyone would have. While there are some erotic scenes (about three) they're pretty short and don't get your blood really pumping. This book also seemed to really lag during the first half of the book even though there was a lot going on; I wish that the author had taken more time to better engage the reader.

The book did get much better towards the end; while some of it was predictable, the author was still able to draw you into the story. Since the author was able to finally draw me into the story towards the end and the plot was intriguing, I'd give this author another chance.

*I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*