A review by charshorrorcorner
Delphine Dodd by S.P. Miskowski


I just read Knock Knock and I noticed this book also takes place in the town of Skillute, WA. Since I enjoyed the characters from KK, I picked up this novella to learn more about them.
The setting of Skillute is almost a character itself. Ms. Miskowki paints vivid pictures of the woods, streams, plants, and wildlife. It's some of the humans in Skillute that pollute the atmosphere.
I enjoyed learning the backgrounds of Mrs. Knox and Flora, both of whom were introduced in KK. I also learned more about Skillute and its history.
The author has created a tight story, deftly weaving medicine women, hillbillies, native American traditions and human nature with a creepy, but beautiful setting.
This novella was well done! I would recommend reading Knock Knock first, though. Being slightly familiar with some of the characters added another level of understanding for me. Recommended for fans of atmospheric, subtle horror.