A review by memyshelfsterling
Six Months With Cerberus by Naomi Lucas


Adored idea but execution fell flat

I usually love books inspired by or based on mythology, and I was incredibly intrigued by the concept but this fell flat for me.

The plot felt kind of choppy and something else that I just can't put my finger on prevented me from connecting to the characters and therefore fully enjoying it.

I did find everyone's reaction to Persephone's daughter disturbing, particularly Hades, as their reaction to her kind blaming her for things that are not her fault. Then on her part, I found her obsession with Cerberus understandable on one hand as he's the only one who acknowledges her, but on the other hand really creepy for certain reasons that are kind of a spoiler.

Overall I did enjoy aspects of it, so maybe 2.5 stars.