A review by dianacantread
The Crossbones by Patrick Carman


In middle school, I probably would have loved this book a lot, especially with its short films and clips. But as an adult, this does read a bit too young, even if the concept is fun and engaging. The only reason I finished it is because it's pretty fast-paced, and the videos are creepy enough that I was engaged. However, the end result of the mystery is pretty disappointing, especially in lieu of how the first two books ended in death or murder (at least from what I can tell from the recaps; I haven’t read the previous volumes, nor do I plan to). Still, the content of the book is pretty boring. Ryan's perspective is taken up by fly-fishing and waiting for Sarah to send him the videos. It gets tedious after awhile and makes me question whether Carman had planned beyond his original premise, or if the other books in the series are just as style-over-substance as this one was.

Still, a fun time for a younger reader. Unfortunately, I missed my opportunity to enjoy them as a kid who could overlook the more lackluster elements.

2.5/5 stars