A review by patsmith139
Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens


Quite an investment as this is probably the most ‘difficult’ of Dickens’ novels I’ve read. There are definite themes of pride and ambition and the damage they can do. As the story progresses more and more of Dickens’ trademark characters, so often defined by a physical manifestation-the prime example being Mr Carker and his smile.-make their appearance. One of Dickens great villains who dominates every scene he appears in. And as always with Dickens, they are far more interesting than his heroes and heroines. Florence is a particularly example. Of course you’d be a block of concrete if you didn’t feel for her situation and the overarching desire to find a place in her father’s heart, but at least, unlike some of Dickens’ earlier’angels’ she has a flaw. Why does she blame herself? It’s a remarkable observation from Dickens on the psychological issues plaguing abused children. Indeed there are so many fascinating female characters in this novel. Edith, Florence’s proud and damaged stepmother is a magnificent creation and the development of Susan, Florence’s maid from a somewhat waspish, jealous young woman to her most loyal and stout defender.