A review by schnoebs13
Deserted by Jaymin Eve


Angel’s rebirth was a blessing and almost a curse at the same time. She is forever grateful to have a second chance at life where she’ll be able to send time with her family but after centuries of control over her emotions, Angel is struggling to keep them in check. During Mera’s determination to bring Earth Christmas to all the other world individuals at the library, Reece drops life ending news that with force Angel to confront the past and pain she has been running from for far too long. Even though it’s not a question of whether or not she’ll go, it’s more of a concern if she’ll be able to handle the pin while still dealing with the hate from Reece through all of this.

Well….this hurt. A lot. I was crying within the first few chapters of the book and for about the last 15-20% of the entire book. Yes this story addresses the broken ties and rekindling of the relationship between Angel and Reece but more than anything is watching Angel deal with her past, finally accepting the loss of her family, finding who she is and what she stands for, and so much more. There’s a lot of pain in this book and I had a bit of an idea that there would be from looking into her life from Mera’s perspective but now that we are in her perspective and she’s feeling all these emotions again due to the rebirth, it just hurt. I love this character so much and I really enjoyed being able to watch this journey of acceptance she went through. I think it’ll make her even stronger in the end with or without her many layers of power. The sacrifice of those layers to recreate a vessel to hold Reece’s soul was such a beautiful moment that ripped out my heart as she said goodbye to each of her family member’s layers. Having Alistair die was a very smart move on the author’s part even though it destroyed me because out of all the members of the this little brigade of assholes, he was the one who I wanted to learn the most about and experience his world. After having several characters in this story experience a rebirth, having him die allowed us to still believe in the level of risks these characters are facing and force us to know the danger is real and not everyone may come back in the end. I really wish we could have gotten to know his story but I appreciate the role he played and what his character did for everything to happy the way it did. As for Angel being pregnant, I’m really happy she was able to conceive thanks to the silver sands (which I’m really intrigued about) but it makes me worried about the future books. We now have both Mera and Angel pregnant and I just hope that this doesn’t turn into each of the guys getting their mate and instantly having children. It would be nice to see some couples wanting to be just the two of them for a while or just not wanting kids. I like when stories have the characters get pregnant in the end but it’s frustrating when it happens to every single couple. No matter what though, I’m so looking forward to seeing what these next couple of stand slimes have for us. Finding out their stories (even though we won’t get Alistairs, still so sad about that) will be great to see!