A review by rhodered
The Glorious Angels by Justina Robson


Real SF with slight romantic elements.

This is dense and chewy and keeps on surprising you. It took me a while to get into. Partly because I found myself arguing in my head with the author over how a matriarchy would treat men. (I don't think women would be all coy and wear painful high heels and plunging necklines.) also I could not stand the disrepair of the main heroine's ancient mansion.

I kept at it, largely because this is feminist, plus the heroine is the mother of two young adults. So, she's not shunted away so they can be heroines. Well they are as well, but her role is the lead. (Yay!) All that plus it's a LGBT-is-normal world, which I liked.

Then it deepened and finally during the last quarter I was galloping through and incredibly annoyed at interruptions. The ending was ... a bit flat and tidy. After all of that depth.

Nevertheless, there's a lot of creative genius here. Most of it's not like anything you've read, very few familiar tropes. So, I enjoyed that.