A review by glavreads
Blame it on the Vodka by Fiona Cole


4.25 Stars!

Rae and Austin have been best friends since college when Rae wanted to hook up and Austin became the first, and only, man to ever turn her down. He took her out for midnight waffles instead and the rest is history.

Rae is vehemently anti-marriage for herself and Austin is holding out for the right woman. When they end up in Vegas for a trip and have a little too much vodka, they wake up with rings on their fingers. Rae is ready to run to the courthouse to have it annulled while Austin isn't willing to give up their marriage.

Austin has been pining after Rae since that first night he met her but would rather keep her as a friend than be her casual, one night hook up and lose her afterwards. He sees their marriage as fate and isn't letting his chance go.

This was a great, quick read. Lots of great banter, $pice, and I really loved their friendship. There were so many moments that I actually laughed out loud or smiled to myself. I felt like in the morning after their marriage, Austin expected a little too much out of Rae but he was truly an amazing hero. He was a dutiful friend/Instagram husband but was an alpha in the bedroom and we love to see it. Rae's past did explain some of her actions but she realllllly annoyed me at points. Austin showed her over and over how different he was but she kept making an issue out of nothing.

Overall, such a good and $picy read. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. CW: This book deals with past and recent domestic abuse.