A review by david611
Icehenge by Kim Stanley Robinson


Rating: 2.33

A political science-fiction mystery, although disappointing. Kim Stanley Robinson shows himself as a promising to-be-writer for those times though (1984), when the book was first published, with his good writing style. The mystery is good, but opens up into a not-so-great an ending. The book can be very interesting for someone who ventures into science fiction for the first time. This is a story, in which mankind has settled on Mars and the asteroid belt, a couple of centuries in the future, while human political actions for power still take place. Nothing great as I could see it. I would have preferred to give the book a rating of 2. The additional 0.33 rating is for that small bit of good thoughtfully-provocative lines that I came across during the course of my reading.

I would not really recommend the book, if one has several other wonderful books to read. But if one should enjoy reading a political mystery set in a futuristic scenario, then go for it. :)