A review by izz_bizz_buzz
Silk & Steel by Ariana Nash


While I enjoyed it immensely I am very hesitant to recommend this book.

It has a lot of darker themes and they are prevalent to the story. So be sure to heed the content warnings.

(Minor spoilers ahead)
There are dragonkin (dragons that have human forms), elves, and humans (they are French and live in France I thought that was neat)

Lysander (dragonkin): a prince. He is passively suicidal, where he thinks about how he would be ok with people killing him. He is also abused by his mother and sees no way out from her abuse.

Eroan (elf): an assassin sent to kill the queen. He is willing to do anything to accomplish his goal. He puts his people first even over his own mental well being. He does suffer from ptsd later in the book.

All dragons except Lysander are awful people. I was waiting for any other dragon to not be horrible and ended the first book still waiting. Maybe in the next books idk.

The elves are nice but I don’t have much to say about them.

Humans are thought to be extinct. But they are there. The book gives humans a non magic advantage. The humans use tech(post apocalyptic modern tech that they’ve fixed up). I like the humans. I just thought it was odd that this took place on earth. But it didn’t detract.

There isn’t a lot of romance. The main two find each other attractive and it seems like eventually in the series they’ll get together but that’s not what the plot is about.

There is a lot of sex in the book but our main couple don’t get very far, (foreplay and a blowjob). They do in fact have sex with other people.

Most of the sex for Lysander is for political reasons and he needs to be coerced into. He is gay and has a few scenes with women. And has a consensual sex scene with a unnamed man and one coerced scene that is interrupted with a man

Eroan has sex with men and women. His sex scenes in The beginning he is drugged or under duress. Later on the rest of them are consensual with naked characters

The plot is very straight forward but it really doesn’t need to be complicated. Dragon queen is evil. She’s been killing off elves and humans. Gotta kill her.

I enjoyed the writing style and thought the world was interesting and the characters were enjoyable and I wanted them to succeed in their endeavors.