A review by kikkrareads
Bumped by Megan McCafferty


This book caught my eye as the ARC made the rounds on the blog. After reading the blurb I just HAD to read it, and I all but jumped with excitement as I found it on NetGally.

I found this book to be really interesting. It wasn’t like other dystopians I have read before. Melody and Harmony are so alike yet so different, and both of them struggle with the same problems, only they never talk about it out loud to one another. Separated at birth, they were sent to live completely different lives but feel unhappy with the way things are laid out for them.

Melody was the sister I seemed to get a better understand of. Her relationship with her best friend, Zen, is just so bitter-sweet. Her parents seemed to have just pimped her out and then taken off to see the world, using their daughter like an investment other then anything else and a lot of her friends don’t even seem to know the real her.

Harmony is different. Her religious order background is strict. She has so many questions but has been punished for asking them. Her parents seem to have no real connection with her and so she decided to just run away. I think out of the two sisters she is the bravest. She fights more, but she is also the most scared and unsteady.

I enjoyed this book. I wouldn’t say I loved it but I wouldn’t mind reading it again and I also hope there is a sequel because a lot was left wide open. I recommend this if you are a fan of dystopian novels. It is quiet an eye opening read, especially when you compare it to the vast amount of teen pregnancies that are happening all over our world today. Especially those being led by the celebrity teens. McCaffery brought up some great points in her introduction and great parallels in her book to the real world.