A review by meganmargoking
Fractured Legacy by Skye Callahan


I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

Hold on to the edge of your seat because you're in for a wild ride!

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Callahan's debut novel FRACTURED LEGACY dives right into a world where ghosts, poltergeists and the unknown is completely normal for paranormal investigators Kaylyn and Cole Anderson. Something clearly is trying to mess with Kaylyn and things don't get easier when the agency the sisters work for, Aicil, gets a shakedown from higher up and the girls get a new boss, Jonah. Will the entity trying to take over Kaylyn consume her or can they figure out what is happening before it is too late?

Callahan uses fantastic imagery to set you up in places like the creepy, abandoned Teague Hotel and the stark, bare setting of Jonah's apartment.

This is a fast-paced read. Very enjoyable! I'm a self-proclaimed slow reader and I finished this one pretty quick. It is gripping. I love the characters and mystery of the Teague Hotel! This is a great book to read near Halloween.

The reader jumps into this universe, into Kaylyn's crazy life without much explanation, but soon enough everything is understandable. Although, I admit I would have appreciated more exposition.

Though very well developed, I kind of thought the main characters needed more dimensions. Kaylyn is overly stubborn and private, Cole is the caring sister and Jonah is strict and by-the-book. I thought Jonah is the most developed of all the characters and enjoyed him the most. I admit, like others I enjoyed the growing relationship between Kaylyn and Jonah. Although I don't ship them now, I could see myself being completely devoured by them in later books.

This novel reminds me a lot of the TV show Warehouse 13; I would be lying if I said I wasn't imaging the actors as these characters.

This is only the first book in the series and there are clearly more questions and adventures to be had a Aicil. I am totally looking forward to reading more by Skye Callahan.

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