A review by shaunaj216
God's Smuggler by Elizabeth Sherrill, Brother Andrew, John Sherrill

adventurous hopeful informative inspiring reflective sad medium-paced


Title: God’s Smuggler 
Author: Brother Andrew 
GENRE: Christian, non-fiction, autobiography 
In this autobiography, Andrew shares about his upbringing in a small town in the Netherlands, and joining the Army seeking adventure when he becomes an adult. He weaves together humorous stories with tragedy while explaining his rejection of faith and the God his mother told him about. 
Until, everything changes. Faith ignited; he sets out as a traveling missionary behind the Iron Curtain. He visits the persecuted churches in multiple countries, smuggles Bibles to the believers, and encourages them by reminding them that they may feel isolated but they are not forgotten by the international church. 
I enjoyed so many aspects of this book. His conversion, his passion to ensure access to Scripture, his faith in God to provide for his needs, His trust in God’s protection every time he crosses a border with a car filled with banned Bibles. The miraculous stories of provision and protection were convicting and inspiring. 
Some topics mentioned during the book might be challenging but I thought they were all discussed through a lens that was Biblical. 
War, sickness, abuse of animals, murder, death, persecution, some sexual content in the form of dirty jokes.