A review by renatasnacks
Black Panther & the Crew: We Are the Streets by


first of all this should be called Misty Knight and the Crew because Black Panther is barely in this. Which is fine because I love Misty, obv.

I like the concepts here (
) but there was a lot of legwork to set up the whole premise? I know this got canceled but I'm not sure when....oh okay there are no more issues forthcoming, which is A BUMMER because they just finished assembling the titular crew >:(

a note on the art (specifically the colorist)--mostly it was fine but there was an ongoing thing where Storm is semi-incognito and her nickname is "Blue" specifically and explicitly not because of her eyes but rather because of her "blue-black skin" but she was not depicted with especially dark skin? so that was...weird

anyway this was interesting but seriously bummed that it got canceled before this could really go anywhere. THANKS MARVEL.